Knots Every Boater Should Know
Something 'Bout a Boat KNots Every Boater Should Know July 22, 2018 Written by Stephen Klinge Boater's should know quite a few knots for different situations, but at the end…
Something 'Bout a Boat KNots Every Boater Should Know July 22, 2018 Written by Stephen Klinge Boater's should know quite a few knots for different situations, but at the end…
Something 'Bout a Boat Destination: Put-In-BAY, OHIO July 20, 2018 Written By Stephen KlingeThere are many great ports to visit on Lake Erie, but if you haven't been to Put-in-Bay…
Should you buy a boat? If you’re reading this post, I assume you are considering buying a boat. Whether it be an 18-foot fishing boat or a 37-foot sail boat…
I have always been fascinated by boats. Any boat. As a child I spent summers in our family cabin on the north shore of Lake Erie. We had a small brown Iroquois johnboat that occupied most of my time. The thin aluminum floor would flex and pop if you weren’t standing in the proper spot, but it never leaked. I rowed that boat everywhere. By the end of each summer, my hands would be as calloused as those of a Maine gill net fisherman. The ends of the straight wooden oars completely smooth from countless pulls. Sometimes I even pushed the boat through the shallow waters, providing the six or eight-year-old equivalent of outboard power – getting it to “plane” and put out a small wake. I was the captain of that ship, as small as it was, and I loved the feeling of freedom it provided. I credit my parents with allowing me such freedom, as I never felt like I was being hawked over by adults as I roamed the bay. (more…)